All technologies will provide reliable products and services for quality.
Seki Aoi Techno was born in 2009 through the business integration of Seki Electronics and Aoi Camera. The two parent companies were established in 1964 and 1968, respectively, and have been patronized by many customers in the field of electronics and mechatronics for more than 50 years.
Having all the mechanical, electric, and software development functions and production factories necessary for manufacturing in-house, we are involved from the concept stage of customer product development, from design, prototype creation, mass production, and maintenance. We can provide a one-stop total solution. This strength sets us apart from other companies and is one of the reasons why many customers choose us.
We also offer unique services such as [Mounting TOP facility] and [Skilled Hand soldering workers] that realize the creation of prototype electronic boards in an ultra-short delivery time.
In 2010, a factory (Aoi Electronics Co., Ltd.) was established in Wuxi, China. We develop the technology that was used in Japan and provide high quality products speedily. Transactions in Southeast Asia are also expanding steadily, and overseas sales are increasing.
In future business development, we will actively focus on growth fields such as medical equipment, infrastructure equipment, information equipment, and production equipment, as well as contribute to the further development of Japanese and global industries.
We would like to express our deep gratitude for the support of all concerned parties, and we will continue to work together as a company to continue to make great strides together with you.
President Tetsuo Seki
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